Jian Zhang
1962 - 2022
Guo Hui,
这么多年一直没有你们的消息。没想到得知时却是章坚英年早逝的信息,甚感伤痛!往日旧事历历在目,工作中,他那么聪颖,勤劳;为人热情,坦诚;还记得在你们家品尝他做的美味佳肴,还有你们分享的年轻时的浪漫故事...... 他留给我们的美好印象永远在我们心中。愿你和儿子节哀顺变,相信他的爱会继续陪伴你们前行。Yanxia(Rush)
Dr. Jian Zhang was one of the best scientists I have worked with! When we had discussions, his opinions were always right to the point and very constructive! I have learnt a lot from him! He was also a great person and friend who was always helpful. We are very sad for his pass! Rest in Peace!
Tao Tan and Hua Zhu
We were shocked to hear the pass of our best friends! We lost one of the best friends, classmate in Hunan medical College, friend from same hometown, and collogue while working at the Ohio State University. Your persistent to pursue biological and medical science always encouraged everyone working around you to explore and understand and find the solution to fight cancers. Wish Rest in heavenly peace!
John and Yan Zhao, The Ohio State University. Columbus OH
Our old friend Zhang Jian was in the same university as my wife and I when he was doing postdoctoral research in Canada. Our family and his family, as well as several other Hunan fellows, often take turns to gather together for dinner. When I visited him more than a year ago, I still recalled that wonderful time together! Later, his family also came to Chicago to work. When their family first arrived, I helped him move. When he was in good health, we took turns meeting every year as before. It's a pity that the illness was merciless, and a talented old friend died young in the end!We sincerely hope that he has a good journey and rest in peace in heaven!
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